Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Darth Vader Rap

Hey gang,

I know I shouldn't post this. I know that you have to be a total nerd to laugh at this, just like you know it.

And yet, here we are. A Darth Vader rap.

Is that what it's come to?

Yes, I'm afraid it is.

His Holiness Pope Salty I


  1. That sir was definitely ... err... umm... different. I think my response was more along the lines of a groan rather than anything resembling laughter ... the kind of groan that you make when you hear a really bad pun.

  2. Sounds like the sort of rap you get from angsty middle-class white boy posers. On the other side of the spectrum you have the absolutly amazing art commisioned by the King of Pop
    http://www. flickr .com/photos/paulscheer/3478337725/in/set-72157617373340442/

  3. This post was meant to serve as a warning, not entertainment.

    This is what can happen when you let white people rap. There is no good that an come from letting white folks pretend to be black. I've been preaching it for years now. Here is more proof, although I cannot figure out why more proof is needed.

  4. http://www dot youtube.com/watch?v=F-0BLV04vbE
